Hey all! Today's WCW is a special feature on Chinon Maria and her work, Mural To Unite at World Trade Center. Check it out:
I was struck by the beauty of the mural and by the artist's intentions: "I am honored to create the mural 'One World, Our Children' highlighting the importance of upholding the ideal that all people are born equal and deserve equal rights and dignity."
Naturally, being a beauty entrepreneur, I thought about which Pocket Palette would match each of the beautiful faces. Since B.B. cream is more blend-able and has lighter coverage than foundation, I was happy to find that we had a Pocket Palette shade for each. Of course, these are not humans, but it was a fun way to showcase that Pocket Palette has inclusivity in our heart, even if we have small start with just 4 shades.
So, with Chinon Maria's permission, we'll be sharing 9 photos of #muraltounite and Pocket Palette over the next few days. Check them all out on our Instagram!